Teeth implants are one of the best advancements that modern dentistry has to offer. Implants allow us to replace missing teeth, anchor partial removable dentures, or even allow a person who is wearing complete dentures or is faced with wearing complete dentures to have a complete fixed dentition just like their own natural teeth before they were lost.
When both tooth and root are damaged beyond repair, the best permanent replacement is a single-tooth implant: a single unit combined of dental implant with a porcelain crown.
Dental implants can be the best solution for a person wearing complete dentures. As few as two implants may be placed and either a new denture fabricated or the existing denture retrofitted to attach to the implants. This allows a greater degree of stability and retention than ever possible with traditional dentures.
Depending on your situation, implant dentistry can be accomplished in 3 to 4 visits over the course of 4 to 8 months. More complicated case may take longer. Under the proper circumstances, a tooth can be placed on an implant the same day the implant is placed. Dental implants look and feel so natural, you may forget you ever lost a tooth. Premium implants achieve a survival rate of over 98% and excellent long-term results – they can last a lifetime. The number of complications related with the procedure itself is minimal.
Alternative choices to implant surgery include: fixed bridges after teeth preparation, removable partial dentures or complete dentures.
Tooth implants are primarily offered today in titanium, a metal in which more and more problems with incompatibilities occur. Negative reactions to the metal have been found over the past few years. Many people do not want to accept this and are looking for an alternative.
Zirconium dental implant has the color of a natural tooth so does not shimmer through in the cases of thin or recessed gums. This allows patients to have a natural-looking and esthetically pleasing outcome.
Zirconia teeth implants have been available on the commercial market since 2001. The current major players are Bredent, CeraRoot and ZSystems. Zirconia has proven its utility in dental implants through a series of animal and human clinical studies wherein it has been shown to successfully osseointegrate into bone and be highly biocompatible.
Treatment options with Zirconia dental implants:
- Single tooth replacement in smile region
- Single tooth replacement in back teeth region
- Immediate implantation after tooth extraction
- Multiple missing teeth replacement
- All-on-4 technique (whole dental arch restoration on four dental implants) for top and/or lower jaw
- All-on-3 technique (whole dental arch restoration on three dental implants) for top jaw only
- Implants for the fixation of full or partial denture
Indications and Contraindications for Zirconia teeth implants:
- Indications:
- All esthetic zone cases, especially in those with scalloped, thin biotype gingival architecture and in critical gingival papilla build-up cases.
- Patients with metal allergies and chronic diseases resulting from them.
- As an alternative to Titanium teeth implants in any intraoral location.
- Contraindications:
- Patients that exhibit a lack of compliance to post-operative instructions.
- A lack of operator clinical and technical knowledge about implant surgery and prosthetic restorations.
- Any other general contraindications to implant rehabilitation with one or two-piece titanium teeth implants, such as bruxism/teeth clenching.