About Me
I’m an Oral surgeon specialized in Oral surgery and Restorative/Implants dentistry.
I started my professional career in 2005. I have improved both Restorative dentistry and Oral surgery. Maybe that’s the secret of exellence nowaday.
Curriculum Vitae dr. Vaidas Varinauskas
I was born 24/11/1981 in Klaipeda (Lithuania).
2000 Secundary School Degree in “Ąžuolynas” Gymnasium with focus on Math, Physic, Chemistry in Klaipeda (Lithuania).
2000 I started to study Dentistry at the Kaunas University of Medicine (Lithuania).
2005 Master Dental Science at Kaunas University of Medicine.
2005-2006 Post-graduate studies in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery at the Head and Neck Surgery Department of Klaipeda University Hospital with Assoc. Prof. Laimis Dubosas.
2005 started my working activity in Implantology and Pre-implant regenerative surgery.
2006 started Oral Surgery Specialty (full-time 3 years) in Department of Maxillofacial surgery of Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital (Lithuania). During the 3 years I was getting experienced in Oral Surgery, Bone Grafting Procedures, Head and Neck Surgery, Plastic Surgery with Assoc. Prof. Albinas Gervickas, Prof. Ricardas Kubilius, dr. Stasys Bojarskas.
2009 Oral Surgery specialty degree.
2003 I started to work as young scientist with Assoc. Prof. Saulius Diliūnas from Kaunas University of Technology. On 10/10/2014 I defended PhD theses “Functional study of overloading of symmetrical dental implants and fixed full-arch restoration in edentulous jaw case by finite element method”. I am author and co-author of 13 articles in refereed Scientific Journals related to teeth implants and oral surgery.
Starting from 2005 I boosted my education’s knowledge “looking over the shoulder” of colleagues all around the Europe.
Spoken languages: Lithuanian (native), English, German, Russian.
Professional Membership:
- Registrations as a Dentist and Dental Specialist in Oral Surgery by Dental Council of Ireland
- Member of the Irish Association of Oral Surgery
- Member of The International Team of Implantologists (ITI)
- Member of the ITI Dublin Study club
- from 2005 certified Dentist;
- 2005 – 2013 Dentist at Dental Clinic “Dentikulas” (Gargzdai, Lithuania);
- 2007 – 2013 Lecturer at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences;
- from 2009 certified Dentist Specialist – Oral Surgeon;
- 2009 – 2013 Oral Surgeon at Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Kaunas, Lithuania);
- from 2013 – Owner&principal Dentist at “DeoDENTAL clinic” (Drogheda Co. Louth) www.DeoDENTAL.ie ;
- from 2016 – Oral surgeon/implantologist at “Seapoint clinic” (Blackrock Co. Dublin) www.SeapointClinic.ie ;
- from 2018 – Oral surgeon/implantologist at Kingscourt dental clinic (Kingscourt Co. Cavan).
Courses, Poster/Oral Presentations:
- 13/10/2018 Dublin (Ireland). State of the Art: Immediate Loading. Professor Tiziano Testori (Italy).
- 17/08/2018 Dublin (Ireland). Life Support, Automated External Defibrillation & Management of Medical Emergencies. Patrick O’Hare& Kelly Doherty https://www.safe-handstraining.com
- 01/05/2018 Dublin (Ireland). Case Presentation Evening. ITI Dublin Study club meeting.
- 21/04/2018 Amsterdam (Netherlands). ITI Consensus Conference 2018.
- 15/09/2017 Dublin (Ireland). Contemporary Implant Dentistry. ITI Dublin Study club meeting with Professor Peter Weber.
- 27/06/2017 Dublin (Ireland). Case Presentation Evening. ITI Dublin Study club meeting.
- 11/11/2016 Dublin (Ireland). How to build a dental implant practice for the general dental practice. ITI Dublin Study club meeting with Professor Colin Burns.
- 09/09/2016 Dublin (Ireland). Contemporary Implant Therapy: Innovation, Success and Avoiding complications. ITI Dublin Study club meeting with Professor Dean Morton.
- 28/03/2016 Vilnius (Lithuania). Dental implants in complete edentulous jaws treatment. What will happen after 10 years? Meeting/discussion with Professor Tomas Linkevicius.
- 27/02/2016 Dublin. Walk the talk – Periodontal therapy seminar. Dental CPD expert.
- 06/02/2016 The Best Article published at Lithuanian Dental Chamber Journal in 2016 related to Treatment Options In Edentulous Lower Jaw Cases.
- 03/07/2015 Dublin (Ireland). Risk assessment of dental implants: how to avoid problems and pitfalls. ITI Dublin Study club meeting with dr. James Ruskin.
- 03-06/06/2015 London (UK). The European Federation of Periodontology Congress Europerio8.
- 16/05/2015 Dublin (Ireland). IDNA Summer Conference.
- 10-11/05/2013. Kaunas (Lithuania). Oral presentation “Tooth auto-transplantation as an alternative treatment option” at 8th Congress of Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery.
- 19-20/04/2013 Palanga (Lithuania). Oral presentation “Tooth auto-transplantation – an alternative treatment option” at Vanagupe GP conference.
- 06-09/06/2012 Vienna (Austria). The European Federation of Periodontology Congress Europerio7.
- 04-05/05/2012 Vilnius (Lithuania). OOSK conference with main speaker prof. P. Malo.
- 17–19/11/2011 Warsaw (Poland). European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 7th and 8th International specialization and advancement courses on Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery “Salivary gland diseases/Maxillary sinus diseases, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment”.
- 12-15/10/2011 Athens (Greece). 20th Annual Scientific Congress of EAO (European Association for Osseointegration).
- 30/04/2011 Druskininkai (Lithuania). BOA conference “Druskininkai 2011”, main topic – Prevention of Peri-implantitis and treatment options.
- 16/04/2011 Vilnius (Lithuania). Course “Restorative treatment in periodontal disease cases”.
- 09/04/2011 Kaunas (Lithuania). Oral presentation “Dental implantation in Lithuania, personal experience” at Lithuanian Association of Dental hygienists conference.
- 05/03/2011 Vilnius (Lithuania). Lithuanian Association of Periodontologists scientific conference “Actualities in Periodontology”.
- 04/02/2011 Kaunas (Lithuania). ZFX Baltic course “CAD/CAM technologies in implant abutments individualization”.
- 02-04/12/2010 Warsaw (Poland). European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 6th International specialization and advancement course on Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery “Ethiopatogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint diseases”.
- 29/10/2010 Birstonas (Lithuania). Lithuanian Association of Maxillofacial Surgery scientific course “Head and neck tumors”.
- 06-09/10/2010 Glasgow (United Kingdom). 19th Annual Scientific Congress of EAO (European Association for Osseointegration).
- 12-13/06/2010 Kaunas (Lithuania). Oral presentation “Iatrogenic complications of dental implant placement in maxillary premolar area. Radiological 3-D analysis” at The Second International BOA Congress “New Achievements in Implant Dentistry”.
- 07/05/2010 Kernave (Lithuania). Scientific conference “Reconstructive surgery in jaws regions” of the Lithuanian Association of Maxillofacial Surgery.
- 17/03/2010 Kaunas (Lithuania). Scientific conference “Modern diagnostic and treatment of head and neck cancer”.
- 19-20/03/2010 Barcelona (Spain). Poster presentation „Cantilevered prosthesis fixation elements on two dental implants analysis“ at 14th DENTSPLY Friadent World Symposium.
- 27/02/2010 Vilnius (Lithuania). Lithuanian Association of Periodontologists scientific conference “Actualities in Periodontology”
- 19-21/11/2009 Warsow (Poland). European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 5th International specialization and advancement course on Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery “Epidemiology, diagnosis and surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the head and neck region”
- 12-13/07/2009 Kaunas (Lithuania). Oral presentation “In-direct sinus lifting – easy and effective” at The First International Baltic Osteointegration Acadaemy Congress “Thoughtful Look to the Nowadays Problems in Oral Implantology”.
- 04-06/06/2009 Stockholm (Sweden). The European Federation of Periodontology Congress Europerio6.
- 28/02/2009 Vilnius (Lithuania). Lithuanian Association of Periodontologists scientific conference “Actualities in Periodontology”
- 19-20/01/2009 Basel (Swiss). Course “Straumann dental implants, treatment options”.
- 15-17/05/2008 Tallinn (Estonia). 6th Congress of Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery.
- 12-14/05/2008 Tallinn (Estonia). European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery course “Facial Trauma”.
- 10-12/04/2008 Warsaw (Poland). European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery course “Congenital Cranio-Facial Malformations. Orthognathic Surgery”.
- 23/02/2008 Vilnius (Lithuania). Lithuanian Association of Periodontologists scientific conference “Actualities in Periodontology”.
- 17/11/2007 Vilnius (Lithuania). Michael Stiller course “Oral plastic surgery in implant dentistry”.
- 25-27/10/2007 Barcelona (Spain). 16th Annual Scientific Congress of the EAO (European Association for Osseointegration).
- 29-30/01/2007 St. Cristina (Italy). Dr. Jan Kielhorn course “Friadent dental implants. Practical approaches for soft and hard tissue augmentation at implant sites”.
- 17-18/11/2006 Kaunas (Lithuania). Dr. B. Giesenhagen course “Vertical alveolar bone reconstructions with autogenic bone rings”.
- 9-10/10/2006 Ohringen/Mannheim (Germany). Course “The Frialit and XIVE implants options”.
- 3-4/06/2006 Riga (Latvia). Advanced dental implants therapy course. Peter Apse and Girts Salms.
- 21-22/04/2006 Riga (Latvia). Poster presentation ”Post-and–core” foundation for multi-canal teeth building technique using “Protaper” mono-cone gutta percha points” at 1st Baltic See Region Scientific Congress.
- 19-21/05/2005 Kaunas (Lithuania). Oral presentation „Localization, clinic and treatment of odontogenic cysts of the jaws” at 5th Congress of Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery.
Articles in refereed Scientific Journals:
- Descriptive Study of Mandibular Canal Visibility: Morphometric and Densitometric Analysis for Digital Panoramic Radiographs // Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 2016 May 11:20160079 (ISI citation index).
- Influence Of Cantilever Length On Stress Distribution In Peri-Implant Bone With Full Dental Arch On Four Implants Concept // Health Sciences 2014;25(2):24-29.
- Influence Of Cantilever Length On Stress Distribution In Fixation Screws Of All- On-4 Full-Arch Bridge // Mechanika 2013;19(3):260-3 (ISI citation index).
- Wisdom Tooth Auto-Transplantation As A Prevention Of Malocclusion Development. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2013;42(10):1175-1175(ISI citation index).
- Tooth Auto-Transplantation As An Alternative Treatment Option: A Literature Review // Dental research journal 2013;10(1):1-6 (ISI citation index).
- A Review Of Mandibular Reconstruction With Free Microvascularised Fibular Flap // Health Sciences 2012;22(3):170-174.
- Case Report: Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injury Due To Root Canal Treatment, Diagnosis And Treatment Possibilities. Health Sciences 2011; 21(2), 89-95.
- Dental Implants In Diabetic Patients // Health Sciences 2010;(3):3080-4.
- The Most Challenging Phlegmons Of Mandibular Area: An Analysis Of 187 Cases // Health Sciences 2009;(6):2795-8.
- Strength Analysis Of Fixation Screws Of Ankylos Implants Systems Cantilevered Prostheses // Mechanika 2008:110-113 (ISI citation index).
- Investigation Of Temporary Bridges Prostheses // Material science (Medziagotyra) 2006;12(3):226 – 229 (ISI citation index).
- Analysis Of Odontogenic Cysts Of The Jaws. Medicina 2006; 42(3), 201-7 (ISI citation index).
- Analysis Of Follicular Cysts. Stomatologija 2005;7(2):10-12.